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From only $19.21 per week


Precision Nutrition

Precision Nutrition

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​For less than the price of a coffee per day...
Do you want to...
- Learn how to nourish your body for your goals; whether that be losing fat or gaining lean muscle mass?
- Let go of food confusion, learn what to do, and how to do it?
- Gain mental confidence?
- Build physical strength and confidence in your body?
- Achieve results that last?
- Get off the diet rollercoaster once and for all?

"Alana is very skilled and knowledgeable. Her workouts are hard-core, varied and fun. She knows just how and when to encourage and when to push, though never too much. Definitely recommend."

Nick (46) Sunshine Coast

Nutrition Coaching is for both men and women who want to get healthier, fitter, leaner and stronger. Nutrition is more than just information. There’s SO much information out there and that is one of the problems. It all seems to conflict, and most people don’t know where to start or what to do with it.  In my experience, people almost never change just because they get ‘information’.

Nutrition Coaching is not a fad diet; and MAK Coaching does not offer an “8 week summer body challenge”. There are no meal plans as they are not really sustainable. People either feel like they are ‘on’ them or ‘off’ them, and then a failure if they are not eating perfectly at every meal.


MAK Coaching uses a completely different approach. It is a 12 month body and mind transformation program that will guide you through important changes in your eating and lifestyle. A full year is the most effective time period for building the habits necessary for lifelong health, wellness and fitness.


MAK Coaching will help you build sustainable habits that are designed to fit into your busy lifestyle; and will help you get results that last forever. This means, with support, you get to choose what foods are best for you, when to eat those foods, and how much to eat of them.

MAK Coaching utilises Pro Coach™ Nutrition software from Precision Nutrition.


Pro Coach™ Nutrition offers a curriculum that includes a set of strategic, logical lessons and activities that go in a particular order, step by step.

  • It is progressive. We start at the beginning.

  • You will learn the fundamental skills you need to get and stay healthy, fit and active for life.

  • Over time, you will progress.

  • You will get better and more confident at doing the fundamental skills.

  • You can take on new challenges and consider new possibilities.

The Pro Coach™ Nutrition curriculum will help you take responsibility for yourself – your thoughts, your beliefs, your stories, your environments, and most importantly, your behaviours.

The Pro Coach™ Nutrition curriculum is approximately a year long program, divided into 2-week habit blocks.



    • Log in to your personal home page.

    • Receive a lesson to read and reflect on (10 minutes tops).

    • Practice and check off your habit (hello accountability 😊).



    • Receive a new habit to implement.

    • Share your progress. This includes scale weight, body measurements or other indicators you wish to track such as energy levels or adherence to an exercise routine.



    • Upload a photo as part of your progress tracking (if this feels right for you).

"When Alana asked me to take part in a trial for her online nutritional coaching program, I knew I would be in safe hands. I had been searching for something that would finally help me lay to rest years of struggling with my relationship with food. Alana is supportive, knowledgeable and truly understands the journey you are on as she too has walked in your shoes with her own struggles with food. Three months along the path and I feel healthier, at peace, and totally supported as opposed to angry, frustrated and sad. Alana is a coach who will give you the road map to both a mind and body transformation, and she will help you to read it, when you are ready. I am excited to be part of MAK Coaching and PN Coaching."

Fiona (46) Auckland, NZ 

Making changes to your lifestyle on your own can be challenging. If you get stuck or are struggling, and have no one checking in with you, the probability of your success goes down.

One of the many great features of ProCoach™ is that the program is interactive. It gives you MORE than just information to consume and, MAK Coaching will provide you with that often needed personal accountability.


ProCoach™ asks you thought provoking questions which will help YOU better understand your motivation, your needs, your strengths and your obstacles. Your answers to these questions give MAK Coaching a deeper understanding of who you are, and this allows for better feedback. Feedback is given often. Think of it like a teacher leaving a note on top of a student’s paper with praise and/or constructive advice.


MAK Coaching will guide and support you through the entire program, and help you when working through blocks and setbacks. This software enables you to send messages, ask questions and check in with me whenever you choose. Your responses are monitored, your adherence to the program is tracked and your progress and results are celebrated.


If you follow the recommendations 80% of the time, and stick with it for a full year – you WILL get results. You don’t have to get it perfect. But, you have to commit to making small, strategic changes in your life.


If you would like to enhance your ProCoach™ Nutrition  experience further, there is the option to invest in additional coaching services in person face to face; by telephone and /or  via web-based means such as Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp or similar. Please contact for further details.

When it comes to improving health, body composition, or athletic performance, it doesn’t matter what you know or what you say. The only thing that matters is what you do, consistently. Only action can create change.


Ultimately, you are responsible for you own progress. Your future outcome is based on your daily behaviour.


Changing your body isn’t easy, but it is possible. It takes hard work, time and determination.

Buy Now
Purchasing ProCoach™ Nutrition & ProCoach™ Workouts together saves you $$$ and delivers fantastic results with one of the most holistic coaching programs available. For as little as $44.75 per week you receive 12 months of nutrition coaching AND 3-4 workouts delivered to your inbox every week for 12 months.
MAK Coaching using ProCoach™ from Precision Nutrition gives you a seamless health and wellness experience. Nutrition, lifestyle and exercise are integrated, tracked and supported which keeps you accountable and working towards your goals.







Complete the form below by selecting the program you would like to purchase. You will then be sent an email link within 24 hour so you can set up your subscription.

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch soon.

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